We worked closely with our friends Quite Frankly Productions to produce this series of animated films for London law firm Mishcon de Reya.  Business Shapers is a Jazz FM show hosted by Mishcons’ own Elliot Moss, where he chats with various inspirational folk from a range of different industries.

Each hour long interview was edited down into a two minute version – part personal bio, part business advice – which formed the basis of the films we eventually made.

Working with an additional animation team of freelancers, we produced all six films at our studio in Bristol.  We developed a visual style that mixes traditional hand-drawn animation, 2D motion-graphics and 3D animation. We also developed a custom hand-drawn typeface that was used across all films to help give the whole campaign a coherent visual feel.

Several of the films were also featured in the Creative Review iPad app in November 2012.

You can view the whole series here.


Agency Producer
Jez Frankel

Creative Directors
James Ward, Jon Hardy

Script Editor
Lora Galatini, Paul Jennings

Lead Designer
Stef Roberts

Stef Roberts, Laurence Ware

Stef Roberts, Graeme Maguire

Animation Assistants
Sophie Klevenow, Matthew Howard

Music and Sound Design

Character Stand-ins
Esther Tyler-Ward, Elizabeth Bennet, Brendon Hill, Sarah Hill, Andrea Griffiths, Joanna Goodman

Mishcon de Reya

Quite Frankly Productions

Production Company
Scubaboy Inc

Words from Jazz Shapers, courtesy of Mishcon de Reya and Jazz FM

Project Completion Aug – Oct 2012 / Mar – Apr 2013 / Oct – Nov 2013
